Comic Con 2022
The seventh edition of Comic Con Portugal was a success! Nearly 100,000 visitors attended the biggest pop culture event in the world.
With the motto “A New Hope”, the last edition of Comic Con Portugal 2021 took place from December 9th to 12nd at Parque das Nações, in Lisbon and brought international stars, and many other news.
For this event, GlobalTendas was responsible for building three structures with different goals: the Gaming Experience tent, the Cosplay tent and the Marvel tent.
The tent models chosen were the Igloo Poligonal model and the Multistandard model.

The assembly of this type of structures implies a combined effort to provide the necessary protection, and security for an event of this dimension.
As a final consideration, the experience and commitment of our teams contributed to achieving the best results, contributing on a large scale to the success of an event that hasn’t been physically held since 2019, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.