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Wooden Stands

Fotografia de stand de madeira com balcão e porta para aluguer para eventos, feiras, exposições, entre outros.

Wooden Stands: The Structures Your Event Needs

Our wooden stands, inspired by Christmas markets, bring a warm and unique atmosphere to special events. With a rustic design and impressive versatility, they are ideal for product exhibitions, gastronomic spaces, information points and customer service, providing a memorable experience for all participants. Discover the magic of wooden stands and elevate your event to the next level!

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  • Pine Nordic Ceiling and White Interior with OSB/Laminated Wood
  • Technical Platform
  • Counter with Door


  • Width – 2,40 m
  • Lenght: 2,40 m
  • High – 2,20m in the sidewalls
Fotografia de stand de madeira com balcão e porta para aluguer para eventos, feiras, exposições, entre outros.